How much do you think a tweet is worth?
While some members of the old media might brush off the idea that companies would be willing to pay a price for a short 140-character message sent via Twitter, the reality is that not only celebrities but also influential Tweeps are able to cash in big bucks for promoting products they use, cars they drive and place they go.

The Financial Post reported that celebrities such as Kim Kardashian, Snoop Dogg and Elizabeth Hurley can reportedly earn between US$1,000 per tweet, up to five-figure paydays just for tweeting about specific products to their followers.
Here’s an example of how Twitter celebrities monetize their accounts.
Kayak’s “Fly with Friends” Promotion
Kayak wanted a focused campaign that would drive traffic to their site, gain more Facebook fans, and encourage people to sign up for their “Fly Free with Friends” promotion.
Kayak was approached by MyLikes. Founded by Bindu Reddy and Arvind Sundararajan, MyLikes is a word-of-mouth advertising platform that allows the long tail of influencers on the web to create endorsements for products and services they like. One of the ways that influencers can promote products and services is through Twitter.
MyLikes contacted its portfolio of high profile influcencers to negotatate cost-per tweet campaigns.
According to MyLikes, in the cost-per-tweet campaign, 10 tweets by high profile MyLikes influencers directed their followers to Kayak’s website, and resulted in 16,626 click throughs. The campaign reached a total of 7,740,079 followers, and had 1,556,604 total views.
Here are some screen shots from the promoted tweets by Kourtney Kardashian and Khloe Kardashian for Kayak’s “Fly Free with Friends” promotion through MyLikes.
While MyLikes doesn’t release information on the payment that the Kardashians received for the sponsored tweet, the Financial Post’s figure of about $1,000 sounds like a good estimate.
MyLikes is also available for any Twitter user. Are you curious about how much your tweest are worth?