Watch This Guy Draw Pinterest’s CEO Using 22,765 Pushpins [Video]

Artist Eric Daigh used exactly 22,765 pushpins to create a portrait of Pinterest founder Ben Silbermann for a feature in Fast Company’s 2012 Design Issue. Co.Design interviewed Eric Daigh to learn more about his creative process.

Ben Silbermann Portrait with Pushpins
Photo Credit: Fast Company

Jack Dorsey Presents Twitter in 2008 [Video]

On September 2012, Jack Dorsey delivered a great keynote at Disrupt SF.
The Co-Founder of Twitter and Square is a great speaker and we can take pointers from his delivery style.

Here is another great presentation from Jack.

jack presenting twitter
Back in May 2008, the then Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey provided a compelling overview of the service and his own inspiration.
[Video length: 14 minutes]

Jack Dorsey Presents Twitter from biz stone on Vimeo.

U.S. Hispanics are the Growth Engine of the Country [Video]

Latinos will account for more than 80% of the growth in the population of 18- to 29-year-olds over the next few years and this makes them a key demographic for marketers targeting young consumers. However, marketers need to develop their marketing strategies taking into account the rapid changes under way in the composition of the population of the Hispanic youth.

Let’s take a look at the 2010 Census data compiled by the Pew Hispanic Center:

58% of Latinos in the 20- to 29-year-old age group are U.S.-born,
81% of Latinos in the 15- to 19-year-old age group are U.S.-born, and
95% of those in the 10- to 14-year-old age segment are U.S.-born
Thus, within a few more years, U.S.-born Latinos will dominate the 18- to 29-year-old age segment within the Hispanic population.

2010 united states census

via EG Entertainment

Jack Dorsey’s Speech at Disrupt 2012 [Full Video]

“We probably need to change the name of this conference,” Twitter and Square co-founder Jack Dorsey [watch him present Twitter back in 2008] said on September 10, 2012 from the stage of TechCrunch Disrupt in San Francisco.

jack dorsey
Photo Credit: Fast Company

Old Spice Muscle Music

Old Spice Muscle Music from Terry Crews on Vimeo.

Via Mashable:

The coolest part is after the ad ends. A recordable player pops up and users can create their own sounds by pressing different keys on the keyboard. The keys control various sounds from Terry and different beats. Trust us, you’ll get sucked into this one, quickly. Users can record their creations, upload them to Vimeo and then share them across the web.

old spice terry crews

How to Maximize Profits as a Small Business

how to maximize profits

As a small business, there are ways that you can consciously maximize profits in order to reach your business’s greatest success and highest potential. When you are conscious of spending habits, you can reach the same soaring success entrepreneurs like Charles Phillips, Oracle leader have reached in the platform of business relations.

Taking active steps to increase the profitability of your company involves analyzing the data that you already have and making good choices based on this information. Here are some of the ways that you can maximize profits as a small business.

Continue reading “How to Maximize Profits as a Small Business”

Interview with Carla Friday, Owner of

details made simple logo

In July 2012, I was asked by Bloomberg Businessweek my opinion about the Twitter partnership with American Express to promote Twitter Ads to small businesses. Through this process I had the pleasure of meeting Carla Friday, Owner and Sr. Coordinator at Details Made Simple. She started advertising on Twitter in May 2012 and was pleased with the results she got. Here is my conversation with Carla on her company and her current marketing efforts.

Continue reading “Interview with Carla Friday, Owner of”

Zoho CRM: A Strong Alternative to Salesforce

zoho crm screenshot

I was crowdsourcing for an alternative to Salesforce for a client relationship management (CRM) platform and I stumbled into these tweets:

So, I dived into finding more about Zoho CRM.

Continue reading “Zoho CRM: A Strong Alternative to Salesforce”