How Can Linkedin Grow?

LinkedIn is at a tipping point.

linkedin ipo

(View more pictures from the bell ringing ceremony taken at the New York Stock Exchange, the day LNKD started trading – May 19, 2011.)

After becoming the first social network to go public on May 19, 2011, LinkedIn is now in the hot seat as finance pundits examine whether the company’s market valuation is realistic.  One major question that investors have about LinkedIn is: “How can Linkedin grow?

Here is a brief analyis.
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LinkedIn vs Facebook

facebook vs linkedinMore than 65 million visitors checked out career sites in June 2009. About 45% of HR professionals in the United States are using at least one social network to check on those leads.

A summer 2009 survey  for conducted by New York based research firm, Harris Interactive,  indicates that 47% of U.S. HR professionals use Google to search for the names of their job candidates. 29% of U.S. HR professionals use Facebook and only 26% use LinkedIn to check on the job applications that they receive.

This is bad news for Linkedin because they claim to provide a service to benefit and advance their registered user’s career.

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