Get Ahead in Business With an Online MBA

Get Ahead in Business With an Online MBA

Have you been looking for a way to get ahead in your career? Maybe you’ve been thinking about going back to school for your MBA, but you have concerns. Like most working adults, you probably have bills to pay and a family to support, and you may be wondering how you can manage to find time for a master’s degree. How will you pay for it, and how will you keep food on the table and a roof over your head while you do? Not to mention, who’s going to help the kids with their homework, drive them to soccer practice, and clean the house?

If you’ve been debating getting your MBA, but you’re worried about the cost, the time commitment, and the years out of the work force, an online program might be for you. Online MBA programs are geared toward adult learners with jobs and families, so they’re more flexible than traditional programs, and can be easier to get into, because they tend to have larger enrollment caps. Here’s what you need to know about earning your MBA online.

What an Online MBA Can Offer You

One of the biggest reasons why many working adults don’t pursue a traditional MBA is the required commitment. Going back to graduate school the old-fashioned way means leaving the workforce for a year or two to hemorrhage money, rather than earning it. If you have a family, a mortgage, and other bills, missing those years of work, and paying upwards of $80,000 for tuition could mean leaving your spouse and kids in the lurch. Plus, enrolling in a traditional program means you’ll most likely have to relocate to the city where your new school is located, pay rent on an apartment, buy books, and fork over other associated costs like fees and transportation. Altogether, the degree could cost you upwards of $140,000 or more. Ouch!

But tuition for an online MBA program could cost you significantly less – as little as $5,000 per semester for some programs. You won’t have to relocate, or even drive to class, and because course materials will all be available online, you’ll be able to master them on your own schedule. That means you’ll be able to stay in your job, continue living in the same town, keep the kids in their schools – the whole nine yards. But you’ll still get to network with classmates at all stages of their careers, learn from the best professors in the field, and even take advantage of international immersion and residency opportunities.
Get Ahead in Business With an Online MBA

How to Get In

Make no mistake – MBA admissions are competitive, no matter what the program. But if you’ve been out of school for a while and you’re looking at getting an MBA to further your career, an online program may represent your best chance of admission. That’s because online MBA programs tend to look for adult learners who are a little further along in their careers. When considering applicants, admissions committees for online MBA programs worry less about whether an applicant will be able to find a job after completing the program – most already have one – and more about whether the degree will help the applicant move up in his or her company. They’re on the same page as you are.

Besides, online MBA programs understand that there are better ways to assess the strengths of applicants who’ve been out of school for a number of years than standardized tests and transcripts. That’s why most online MBA programs look harder at your professional experience; you don’t even necessarily need a bachelor’s degree in a business field. Online MBA no GMAT programs are also common, because committees know that test scores aren’t a strong indicator of ability for more experienced applicants.

How to Succeed

Once you get into an online MBA program, you’ll need to work hard to succeed – and you might need to get creative. A strict schedule will help you make time for work and school, but don’t forget to include some time to spend with family and friends. Many students find time for online courses by getting up early, or staying up late, to work while the kids are in bed. Others find extra time for schoolwork during lunch and work breaks or commutes. Take the opportunity to learn time management and prioritization skills, and be ready to sacrifice much of your free time, at least until graduation.

MBAs have long been touted as the best way to get ahead in business. If life circumstances are keeping you from going the traditional route – or you just want to earn the MBA but skip the crippling debt – an online program could be right for you. With hard work and perseverance, you can make your business dreams come true.

4 Reasons to Study an MBA in 2017

4 Reasons to Study an MBA in 2017

Whether you are currently working your way up as an employee, are in a management position, or work for yourself in some shape or form, it is necessary to keep on building your knowledge about your industry and developing new skills as a business person.

While there are a number of things you can do to help with this, it’s worth considering enrolling in a relevant degree, such as the best online MBA you can find, to really help you stand out from others in your field and to tick off all the career goals you want to over the coming years. If you’re ready to enhance your knowledge and skills today, read on for four key reasons to study an MBA.

1. Relationship Building

For many people, one of the top benefits of completing an MBA is the opportunity that comes from studying a course with like-minded people. When you enroll in an MBA you are sure to network and build relationships with a wide variety of people from different backgrounds. Some of these individuals may very well turn out to be friends for life, and if not, will at least become great contacts for the future.

Over the course of your career, it is always very beneficial to have a variety of people you know who can be “in your corner” when you need them. The other graduates you connect with during your career might end up becoming your clients, referrers, sounding boards, investors, or even business partners as the years go on. You can turn to them for advice, consolation, ideas, testimonials, and more as required.

Another plus when it comes to networking and relationship building is that most online MBA degrees are populated by people who come from all over the globe, not just your local area. As a result, studying this type of program means that you get access to individuals from other cultures, who can help you learn about different business practices and international points of view. This can become a really handy advantage over the years, particularly if your career involves dealing with international markets at any stage.

2. Generate More Interest

Another great reason to complete an MBA is that doing so can typically increase your job prospects. By having this degree listed on your CV you will tend to stand out from other candidates for a role, particularly when you’re looking to move into leadership positions. Most employers like to see MBA qualifications on resumes because they know that graduates usually have more business acumen, knowledge, skills, and contacts than those who haven’t completed such a higher degree.

Having an MBA qualification can also give you more security throughout your career. If things are tight within a company or just generally within your industry, you will find that your degree can stand you in good stead when it comes to keeping your job, over unqualified co-workers. After all, companies often feel that business school graduates can bring more to an organization and their role, due to their broader business knowledge; ability to problem solve, adapt, innovate, handle complex situations, and be flexible; and training in spotting inefficiencies and opportunities.

If you end up running your own business, having an MBA behind you can also help to generate more interest in yourself personally and in your venture. The qualification can help to increase your profile and make you more desirable to banks and investors, journalists, and potential employees. Having the piece of paper helps you to be seen as more experienced, knowledgeable, connected, and “solid.”

reasons to study mba in 2017

3. Learn Beneficial Skills

Of course, you don’t want to forget the many beneficial practical skills that you can take away from an MBA degree either. Upon completing this type of program you will likely find yourself in possession of fantastic communication skills (after working on group projects, individual presentations, work placements and the like during your studies), and strong time-management skills, particularly if you worked full-time while also completing your studies.

From an MBA degree you will typically also find that you hone your leadership, negotiation, and management skills. When working in teams to complete projects during your course, you will often have to wrangle a group of strong personalities to get everyone working in the same direction.

In addition, you are sure to come away from your studies with other handy, transferable skills, such as a proficiency in computer programs, and abilities in critical thinking, problem solving, and creativity.

4. Examine the Bigger Picture

Lastly, many graduates of an MBA program finish their degree with a much better understanding of the bigger business picture. Taking some time away from your usual job to complete an MBA will give you a chance to look at the global economy and to examine how the trading markets work around the world.

You will be able to see how things happening on one side of the globe can affect the other, on both a micro and macro level, and get a clearer picture on how your own business or job fits into things. Having this broader understanding and clarity will assist you throughout your career, particularly if you work up to a top leadership position or end up running your own firm.

How to Get Accepted to an Online MBA Program

How to Get Accepted to an Online MBA Program

You may not have a background in business and have been in the workforce for a number of years, but you are aware of how an MBA can revolutionize your career choices and help you get the position you deserve. There is no doubt that there are many practical advantages to a Masters of Business Administration, but you may be unsure about where to begin. The first step is to make a list of MBA programs that are attractive to you and apply to the ones that feel meet your needs. Before you can start the program, you need to be accepted.

Look for a School

Research your options online or ask friends about which on-site and online MBA programs they have found useful. Browse through the catalog online and see what the course offerings are and the possibilities for areas of concentration. Some schools are known for having certain departments that stand out from others, either because of a superb faculty or unique course offerings. Choose the school you think will be the right fit for you. Another advantage of applying online is that you distance won’t prevent you from pursuing an MBA at the institution of your choice.

The Advantages of an Online Program

It has never been easier to earn an advanced degree while pursuing a career. A generation ago, you might have had to commute to night school after a full day’s work, but nowadays, you can earn an MBA without having to leave your home. The current online programs are equivalent to their on-campus counterparts and are offered by top-notch institutions, such as the University of Maryland and UAB. Your ability to earn a degree while working at your career is liable to impress future employers, which is another reason why an online MBA has distinctive advantages.

Apply for the Degree

Make sure you have all of the pre-requisites needed to apply for an MBA program. The requirements for an online degree are usually the same as for an on-campus degree. You may need a GRE, a GMAT and a bachelor’s degree. If your bachelor’s degree was in a subject that is not business-related, you may have to take some courses as pre-requisites or CLEP tests to demonstrate you have knowledge in the area of business and economics. Fill out the online application, which will ask you pertinent information, and send along your transcripts and recommendations.

Interviews and Essays

At some point, admissions may want to hear from you about why you are applying for an online MBA at their institution. When approaching these questions, keep in mind why you are pursuing an MBA and what you want to achieve as the result of it. This will help you answer questions that ask about the more personal side of pursuing a degree.

Invest in Your Future

An MBA is an ideal way to invest in your future, and earning a degree online while you are working has the advantage of enabling you to advance in your career while being able to aim higher. Browse through offerings from several institutions of higher learning and see which courses are best-suited for you.

Image Credit: U.S. Department of Agriculture

What Do You Do With an MBA? Here Are 9 Amazing Careers for the MBA Grad

What Do You Do With an MBA?

To many college grads, going to business school and earning a master of business administration is just a way to delay the inevitable entry into real adult life. Conversely, to those already in the workforce, MBAs seem to be a step toward a better future. Still, for both types of MBA-seeker, life after their advanced degree can be difficult to imagine. In particular: What kind of career will they have?

The answer is both frustrating and exhilarating: almost anything. Most MBA programs provide the perfect training in practical business skills, which means companies big and small clamor over new MBAs for hire. Yet, such freedom of opportunity can be stifling, so to help those interested in pursuing an MBA, here are nine real careers they can absolutely look forward to.

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The Top 5 Lessons Entrepreneurs Can Learn From MBAs

The Top 5 Lessons Entrepreneurs Can Learn From MBAs

There’s a growing sentiment that anyone can start a business, regardless of their background. All you need is a great idea, and a willingness to put in the hard work — and the ability to handle setbacks — and you can start a successful business.

Whether or not that is the case is up for debate, but one thing that isn’t debatable is that business education, specifically an MBA, is immeasurably valuable for entrepreneurs. The lessons one can learn while studying for an MBA can be applied to nearly every aspect of life and business, and the hands-on, real-world skills gained through the study of business can actually make it easier to run a business and prevent some of the setbacks and difficulties that many entrepreneurs face.

While typically students must take practical coursework to learn the principles of business while they earn an MBA degree (click here to learn more), there are also a number of theoretical lessons learned as well. Whether you are just starting out with your own business or you have several years of experience under your belt, learning these lessons can help you run your business more successfully.

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How the MBA Degree Gives You An Advantage

mba advantage

In today’s global economy, there is an abundance of opportunities for talented business people. American entrepreneurs are exploring international markets that promise great growth and profits. A degree in business studies is respected all over the world. English is considered to be a universal language that is dominant in business, education, media and politics. Therefore, students often seek business degrees from universities that offer such studies in the English language.

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