False Advertisement of Fast Food

It’s incredible what fast food chains get away with.

Consider this example from McDonald’s.

false advertisement mcdonalds

And here are some examples from other popular fast food chains.

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3 Key Features to Blog from a Smart Phone

samsung epic 4gWhen idaconcpts.com started back in 2008 (side note: we’re past the 2nd year mark! The first blog post of idaconcpts.com was on August 6, 2008).

Since the beginning of idaconcpts.com, I was really excited about sharing my insights on marketing and web analytics with the blogosphere. Once I started getting a bit of reader traction, I started wondering whether I could blog on the go. Back then I spent a lot of time commuting back and forth between work, school, and home; so it would made sense that I could draft up some articles on the go.

My blog was hosted at WordPress.com and I had just bought my  first Macbook Pro and iPhone 3G so I downloaded the WordPress iPhone app and gave it a try. Unfortunately, this experience was not that good and I only did one very small post that was just titled “Test from iPhone” that included a 10-word sentence and one photo. After that I decided not to continue blogging from my iPhone.

However, after watching the launch of the Samsung Epic 4G from Sprint on August 2010, it made me rethink about the 3 key features that I would need to blog from a smart phone more often.

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5 Issues to Consider to Increase Website Traffic

increase targeted website traffic

Whether you create a website or blog as a hobby or as to improve the online presence of your business, you will always have the dream that somehow (maybe magically!) people will flock to your website, fall in love with it, and keep coming back.

The reality couldn’t be much different.

Consider this: back in August 1995, there were only about 18,957 websites in total around the world, which means that any new website had a better chance of standing out from the others. As of 2003, Reuters estimated the number of websites on the Internet to be about 550,000,000,000. When you fast forward to 2010, the numbers just become unimaginable.

How do you expect to increase website traffic? Here are 5 issues to consider.

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Mark Zuckerberg on Oprah

Mark created a foundation—Startup: Education—with an initial gift of $100 million to improve educational opportunities for young people in America. The foundation’s first project will support Governor Christie and Mayor Booker’s bipartisan initiative to ensure every school-aged child in Newark has access to a high-quality education that prepares them for a successful future and a better quality of life. This is a personal donation by Mark to the foundation.

Are Twitter Followers Better Than Facebook Fans?

facebook vs twitterThis is a common question that online marketers ask themselves everyday.

Online marketers are always experimenting on how to deliver the most effective messages across Twitter and Facebook. They are seeking to understand what causes their opt-in recipients to connect better with their brands.

Some argue that Twitter followers have the highest conversion rate.

Others claim that Facebook fans are the most likely to make a purchase.

Another group even claims that we should forget these 2 groups and stick with good-old-traditional opt-in email recipients.

Let’s take a look at what group:

1. will be more likely to make a purchase

2. will be more likely to recommend a brand.

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