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Tag: twitter vs facebook
Facebook vs Twitter: UBERBATTLE
Kate, author of Arguing with a Doughnut, presents an epic fight to the death between the two social networking giants.
Dilbert on Using Facebook and Twitter as Marketing Tools
Are Twitter Followers Better Than Facebook Fans?
This is a common question that online marketers ask themselves everyday.
Online marketers are always experimenting on how to deliver the most effective messages across Twitter and Facebook. They are seeking to understand what causes their opt-in recipients to connect better with their brands.
Some argue that Twitter followers have the highest conversion rate.
Others claim that Facebook fans are the most likely to make a purchase.
Another group even claims that we should forget these 2 groups and stick with good-old-traditional opt-in email recipients.
Let’s take a look at what group:
1. will be more likely to make a purchase
2. will be more likely to recommend a brand.
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