How to Lose Your Twitter Followers in 5 Easy Steps

how to lose twitter followers in 5 easy steps

Twitter has proven itself a massively successful social media tool both for recreational and professional networking use. Equally as popular these days with businesses as celebs, the site has exploded into unprecedented popularity over the last 18 months.

But it’s not quite as simple as just logging on, typing up a short message about what breakfast cereal you’re having and then finding instant micro-blogging success. Nope! Gathering followers takes patience and a little imagination with those ‘Tweets’. However, there are plenty of hints and tips blog posts around for those looking for a little advice on getting people following them. I’m going to take a slightly different angle with this post and aim it at those who are feeling a little ‘social media suicidal’ and want to get rid of all their followers!

Yes, here’s exactly how to lose your followers in 5 easy steps!

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3 New Types of Twitter Spam

Twitter spammers are at it, again.

If it wasn’t enough with the Twitter direct messages (DMs) with offers about “making money with Google” or “make $500 a day online”, now there are more kinds of Twitter spam that you can add to your list.

Here is a review of 3 new types of Twitter spam.

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How Does Twitter Spam Happen?

Some application developers request access to your Twitter account in order for their applications (e.g. Pandora, Mashable, TweetMeme) to work.

Here is an example of the application TweetMeme asking you to grant it access to your Twitter account:

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4 Steps to Get Rid of Twitter Spam

get rid of twitter spamOn the past 2 weeks, I have received a lot of Twitter direct messages (DMs) with offers about “making money with Google” or “make $500 a day online”.

It appears that I am not the only one.

These Twitter direct messages are not only annoying but they kill in less than a second all the reputation that we took so hard to build through our tweets.

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