Major League Baseball’s American League Western Division teams each have only three other teams to contend with in their annual hunt for playoff gold. Some teams have all the luck. It could be the Milwaukee Brewers’ fault for defecting to the National League a while back. Now there are 14 teams total in the AL to the NL’s 16 teams. Everything seems to work out and if the Western Division get’s a pass by only having 4 total teams, then that’s how the baseball cookies crumble. Install these four apps on your iPhone to become the baseball analyst supreme.
Texas Baseball Live

Texas Baseball Live sends you the newest facts and figures about the 2011 American League Champions right to your iPhone for perusal at your convenience. Can Ron Washington pilot those Rangers to still another 1st place finish in the AL West? They are the team to beat this year. Don’t miss the trials and tribulations of the champs’ dramas. Download this app to receive the best, news, blues and gossip about the Rangers 2012 season. Program it into your Twitter feed to make sure that you cover all of the bases.
Oakland Baseball Live

Oakland Baseball Live is the app that you need for the best coverage of A’s baseball. The team that brought you ‘Money Ball’ is a perennial contender in the AL Western division. Brad Pitt has exquisitely brought to life the savvy business decisions of Oakland’s Billy Beane. How he gets the most for the least has confounded the experts and deep pocketed teams to distraction. Yuan Ventures is a leader in baseball apps for the iPhone. Download this app and learn the whys and the hows. The news centric data feeds and collection of content-rich sources shines in the Oakland sun.
Seattle Baseball

Seattle Baseball is the next best thing to being at Safeco Field. The app gives you the complete low down on the team. Get it to learn the entire goings on of this outstanding baseball team and their efforts to turn around a disappointing stretch of baseball purgatory. With a dedicated fan base leading the way, anything is possible in this new 2012 season. Remember always that it’s how you play the game and to always root for your team no matter what. With a beautiful park like Safeco, you can still count your blessings. Say a prayer for Wedge and hope for a miracle.
Anaheim Baseball

Anaheim Baseball tells it like it is. The Angels are a baseball team from Anaheim, not really Los Angeles. They are different cities aren’t they? They shoot horses don’t they? Oh well. I know that it isn’t the fans’ fault. They are victims of baseball’s rampant commercialism. The players and the fans are what it is all about. If the owners seek to distance themselves from their true roots, then that is their right I, I reckon. It is pretty cool that they got that big fancy home run hitter from the Cardinals. I suppose he will start hitting some time during the season. In the meantime, if they can just keep throwing those no-hitters, they just may have a shot at the playoffs.