To be a good student it takes effort and planning. By utilizing digital applications on the iPhone, MBA students can improve their academic potential to perform effectively in class. This goes for students getting their MBA degree online, as well.
Check out these 4 popular and useful iPhone apps that help MBA students in and outside of the classroom.
Running a business is by no means an easy task, and every entrepreneur could use a little help from time to time. Instead of hiring a personal assistant, consider fully utilizing that $400 mobile device you purchased. That’s right. Your smartphone.
Phones have come a long way, and nowadays they can help you manage your life more easily and help you keep your sanity. If you are a business owner and have a smart phone, here are 5 must have apps that can keep you and your business running smoothly.
Damian Davila wants to be the new face of and to star on a Times Square billboard! has launched a contest to find new faces for their fall promotion. Selected winners will see their page featured across their campaign, including on a giant billboard in Times Square. In addition, three grand-prize winners will receive a trip to New York City to see their page in lights and attend an exclusive event.
If you are in the fashion business or if you are one of those people that people that talk, eat and sleep fashion, then you will love these applications for your Android smartphone.
When you need some guidance in what is hot and what is not and what are the best promotional products, then these applications will be ideal for you. They will allow you to miss nothing in the fashion world and you could easily share all your design ideas with others as well.
Here are 3 must-download Android apps for fashionistas.
We all know that some things go together better than others.
So what about search engine optimization and an attractive website? Common sense tells us that webmasters are divided into two groups; those who only want to sell things and those who just want to entertain the world and share something they are passionate about.
This is fine in theory but we all know that life is not so black and white.
Even if you are writing on a subject you care deeply about you still need to attract visitors as well as pay the bills. Equally, if you are an online business owner then that doesn’t automatically make you the modern day equivalent to an old mill boss who only wants results and doesn’t care how it is done.
As movie lovers react to Netflix plan adjustments and cost increases, a fair percentage are exploring other movie rental options. Some are trying Amazon’s Prime program in which the movie streaming is a benefit, not the main thrust. Yet others are falling back to “real world” rental businesses again.
While it’s yet unknown whether those users leaving Netflix will stay away or eventually return, both Blockbuster and Redbox are enjoying increases in rental numbers and income. Of these two major brick-and-mortar organizations, which will win the “real rental” wars?
The giant search engine has been skating on thin ice lately. With anti-trust probes and most people thinking the company knows too much about us already, it seems that Google’s motto of “Do no evil” is a bit hypocritical.
It’s not that Google’s intentions are necessarily evil, but the perception is that they are. After all, when you are the biggest search engine in the world, you pretty much own the internet, and you know more about your users than they even know, it’s pretty easy to see why people are paranoid about what Google knows.
Entrepreneurs, bloggers, and site owners have the task of competing for business in a world-wide-web where anyone can say anything they want. This is one of the greatest and worst things about the freedom that the Internet gives users. It’s become essential for anyone conducting business online to rigidly control their image and what’s being said about them. Your name is your brand and you want your brand to have the best association as possible. This is why finding ways to take control of your online reputation is so essential to online success.
Here are 3 tips for taking control of your online reputation.
You may have read a lot about search engine optimization techniques, but they weren’t enough to take your website to a high rank in Google. Why? It is because they are not entirely complete. SEO experts do not usually divulge all the techniques, but they mention only those that are common. The most common techniques that we often hear are content creation and backlink building. They may seem easy at first glance, but there are actually more to them.
Here are are 4 key factors on how you can get hold of a good position in Google:
The founder of Acer, Stan Shih, recently described Tablet PCs as a passing ‘fad’. Taking a swipe at Intel’s new Ultrabook concept he proclaimed that the industry needed to be more innovative instead of latching onto current trends, pot kettle black springs to mind.
Mr Shih’s views are contradictory with those of market analyst Ben Riitzes, of Barclays Capital, who last week declared that he expected Tablet PCs to continue to cannibalize the laptop market. That sentiment has previously been echoed by Apple CEO Steve Jobs who released the memo “We’re living in a post-PC world”.