9 Tips for a Successful Webinar Event

tips for succesful webinar

Webinars serve multiple purposes. In business, webinars can be a valuable tool for solidifying relationships with your clients. Depending on its content, you may even consider hosting a webinar-for-profit. However, even the best content won’t make up for bad hosting.

Even though the audience enjoys the benefit of not spending time and money to travel to a central location, they are still spending time to attend the webinar. If they feel the webinar isn’t worth their time, especially if they paid a registration fee, then they aren’t likely to sign up to attend future events. And if they aren’t planning to attend future events, they probably aren’t going to recommend them to other people either.

Below is a list of practices to help you successfully host your own webinar. Along with advice from friends and associates, these are things that I’ve learned through trial and error when hosting webinars. Some of the items I was able to correct after the first time, but a couple of them took a few attempts before learning what worked best for both my audience and I.

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Little Boy in a Big World

mark zuckerberg

One of the youngest billionaires in the world, also founder and CEO of Facebook, Mr Mark Zuckerberg seems to upset his board of directors and various business partners with his alternative way of managing a company that employs 3000 people. He is very laid back and “modern”, not the usual style of a public company, will this be hard on Zuckerberg or will he show the rest of those ‘experienced businessmen’ some more innovative skills.

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Ecommerce Retailers: To Pay Per Click or Not to Pay Per Click

ppc puzzle

Marketing your ecommerce store can be difficult. Since you’re selling things online, it’s best to market yourself online. One of the most common forms of online marketing that ecommerce merchants use is pay per click (PPC) advertising. PPC, however, can be a financial investment, and it can be an investment that doesn’t always pay off significantly. Why? PPC requires a lot of analysis and effort before it makes you any sort of profit. If you’re deciding whether PPC is right for you, keep reading.

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Apple vs Microsoft: Tablet Market Clash between iPad and Windows 8

windows 8 vs ipad

Besides Google Android, the tablet king Apple iPad is about to get a taut rival in Windows 8. A row of Windows 8-based tablets are to enter to the scene later this 2012. Microsoft has already previewed its ARM compatible Windows 8 and a dedicated app store called the Windows Store for it. Most analysts think that Windows 8 and Windows Store will haul up crucial threat to iOS and its App Store. Maybe, Google’s Android might not have overcome Apple iPad in number of products sold. But the open source firmware enjoys a clear edge over iPad in escalating popularity. But when it comes to Windows 8, iPad may be grounded on the fact that Microsoft’s firmware is more enterprise friendlier and innovative.

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8 Tips for Using QR Codes in Marketing

qr code model

QR codes are a good way to get consumers involved, to keep them engaged and interested in what you have to offer.

Here are 8 tips for using QR codes in your marketing campaign.

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The Lowdown on Making Your Site Mobile-Friendly

mobile siteIt has been easy until recently to ignore the concept of mobile browsing as it did not impact a significant portion of the traffic on the internet.  That notion has changed, however, with 2011 seeing a total of 20% of all web traffic coming through mobile phones.  That is a huge jump and change from just a few years ago when phones barely could connect to a carrier’s online store to purchase ringtones and wallpaper.

It is now vital for the success of your website to have a mobile-friendly version in place for anyone who discovers your site on their phone, especially if you are selling a product.  While the process of creating a mobile version of your site is too complex to explain here, I will show you the basics of what needs to be done and where you can find more information on the subject.

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Does SOPA Have a Point? [Infographic]

online piracyDecember 2011 was a month full of drama.  It was the month that our government made a final decision to enact the proposed bills, SOPA and PROTECT IP.

These acts threatened to take away many of our freedoms on the internet, limit our right to free speech, and potentially put a lot of us under legal danger unless we were to remove millions of Youtube videos, etc.  But these bills weren’t designed just to aggravate the online community, they had a purpose.  And that was to help limit online piracy for the entertainment industry.

As a result, Internet Marketing Agency, WebpageFX, known for their SEO packages illustrates just why the government is so concerned about internet piracy.  Now that you know more about the motives behind SOPA, do you still feel like the government’s proposals are justified and that something needs to be done to limit piracy?

Please share your thoughts!

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Is the Hype around QR Codes Overblown?

QR Code created by Takashi Murakami for Louis Vuitton.

QR codes: that’s where it’s supposed to be at this year.

Or are they?

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How to Evaluate Conference Call Services

conference call

There are many conference call service providers out there, all of which are competing for your attention.

Some are free, some are not. But all of them compete with one another to keep you, the user, happy.

They all want you to come back, and use them as your main source for free conference calls.

This can most definitely work to your advantage; however, you must be ready to compare the many services available, and determine whether the free ones are truly free services.

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Google Integrates Social and Search with “Search Plus Your World”

Get ready, because Google is getting personal.

search plus your world

The new launch of Google’s “Search Plus Your World” is the latest evolution in the Internet giant’s ever-expanding wave of algorithm restructuring in an effort to refine users’ search results, and unlike other frequent tweaks this change will be hard to miss.

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