8 Frequently Asked Questions by SEO Clients

FAQBelow are some of the questions, which almost all SEOs must have faced in the past from their clients.

1: Would you be honest with me?

Trust is definitely a big thing as some clients might have had bad experiences with a previous SEO consultant. It might be just a simple question but this question is probably the most important one out of all the other questions below. How many SEO companies are out there who are making money through clients without giving them anything in return? I am sure we can name few out of top of our head if asked to name the companies but let’s not name and shame them.

2: What sort of results have you got in the past?

This question is probably asked by every client at the start of the project. The best thing to do is have the set of best results on the website. To be honest it also depends on what they mean by results. A job of any SEO web design company is not just to gain rankings or traffic; they have to think about on how they can grow the overall business of the client through the Internet.

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LinkedIn vs Facebook

facebook vs linkedinMore than 65 million visitors checked out career sites in June 2009. About 45% of HR professionals in the United States are using at least one social network to check on those leads.

A summer 2009 survey  for CareerBuilder.com conducted by New York based research firm, Harris Interactive,  indicates that 47% of U.S. HR professionals use Google to search for the names of their job candidates. 29% of U.S. HR professionals use Facebook and only 26% use LinkedIn to check on the job applications that they receive.

This is bad news for Linkedin because they claim to provide a service to benefit and advance their registered user’s career.

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4 Steps to Get Started on Email Marketing

On early December 2009, a marketing intern at a Fortune 500 contacted me via LinkedIn and asked me how to get started on e-mail marketing. While responding to his message, I realized that it would be a good idea to share it with the readers of idaconcpts.

The first step is to get acquainted with the tenets of permission marketing and how to apply them to create permission-based e-mail marketing campaigns.

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3 New Types of Twitter Spam

Twitter spammers are at it, again.

If it wasn’t enough with the Twitter direct messages (DMs) with offers about “making money with Google” or “make $500 a day online”, now there are more kinds of Twitter spam that you can add to your list.

Here is a review of 3 new types of Twitter spam.

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How to Use Twitter in a Marketing Campaign

This is a question that I get on a daily basis.

Everybody wants to know the answer.

Here’s an excellent example of how to use Twitter efficiently and effectively in a marketing campaign.

Note: screen shots were taken by Amit Gupta from Photojojo. He’s  an amazing entrepreneur and all-around-nice guy that I had the pleasure of meeting back in my iLovePhotos days. Here’s a great interview with Amit that I edited.

Twitter Marketing Campaign from MacHeist

From Wikipedia: MacHeist is a website that resells Mac OS X shareware. The site has become known for its marketing tactics. These tactics include challenges (or “heists”) that entitle successful customers to free software licenses and/or discounts, as well as the concept of selling software in a bundle that increases in size as more customers purchase the bundle. The site was founded by John Casasanta, Phillip Ryu, and Scott Meinzer.

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How Does Twitter Spam Happen?

Some application developers request access to your Twitter account in order for their applications (e.g. Pandora, Mashable, TweetMeme) to work.

Here is an example of the application TweetMeme asking you to grant it access to your Twitter account:

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4 Steps to Get Rid of Twitter Spam

get rid of twitter spamOn the past 2 weeks, I have received a lot of Twitter direct messages (DMs) with offers about “making money with Google” or “make $500 a day online”.

It appears that I am not the only one.

These Twitter direct messages are not only annoying but they kill in less than a second all the reputation that we took so hard to build through our tweets.

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How to check if your Google Analytics is installed properly

google analyticsInstalling the Google Analytics code into your website is simple as I showed earlier on the post about how to install Google Analytics a a real state brokerage website. This clear step-by-step guide can be applied to any kind of website.

Why do we need to check if Google Analytics is installed properly?

Because you might be missing on key analytics data from your site!

Consider this discussion thread recently posted at the Google Analytics group in LinkedIn:

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How Facebook does E-mail Newsletters

On 10/23/2009 Facebook sent out an e-mail newsletter titled “Ads Manager Announcement” to its Facebook Advertising users.

This newsletter is a great example of how to implement permission marketing, how to avoid the brochure mentality, and how to do seamless product placement.

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What Online Marketers Can Learn from Online Educators

A MBA degree is a highly coveted degree for online marketing practitioners because it backs up our professional practice. However, throughout our MBA education we are hardly exposed to a field that is very relevant to our practice: online education, also known as educational technology.

The field of Educational Technology (ET) explores the potential use and impact of learning technologies in a variety of contexts, and  determines good practices of curriculum design and technology integration.

Educational technology programs such as the Master of Educational Technology at the University of British Columbia provide learning opportunities in:

  • Teaching/Instruction using Learning Technologies
  • Planning and Management of Learning Technologies
  • Design and Development of Learning Technologies

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